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for adult

for schoolchild

for babies

online testing

English courses in Dnipro and online in Ukraine

Why study with us?

Thousands of satisfied students, certified teachers, effective methodologies, hundreds of additional conversation clubs and special courses. Join us and you will speak English!

Certified Center by Cambridge English

Certified Center by Cambridge English

Certified Center by Cambridge English

Certified Center by Cambridge English

Certified Center by Cambridge English

We give 5 lessons in English until 31.12

i want Learn

Don't be Rudolph!

For adult

Improve your English for study, work and travel. Study at school or online, in a group or individually, with a native speaker or Russian-speaking teacher.

Train your vocabulary on the online platform

Speak competently using the tables method

Monitor your progress with a guidance counselor

Confirm your knowledge with a Cambridge English certificate

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For Schoolchildren

Do you want to be successful and free? Get a grant to study abroad? Do an internship at an international company? Travel and work all over the World? Learn English with us - at a school near home or online. Choose a convenient format - a group or individual lessons.

General course

Classes with a native speaker

Preparing for Cambridge Exams

Preparation for ZNO (EIT)

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For babies

Psychologists consider the age of 3 years to be the most successful period to start learning a second language. The child has already mastered the basic speech structures of his native language and is ready to learn something new. For the baby's first experience to be successful, he should like the classes. And we have everything for this: the English Everywhere learning space, entertaining games, vivid teaching materials and attentive teachers.

Group and individual lessons

English Time course with a native speaker

English Online course for toddlers

English course for kindergartens

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Sign up for training

Adult Children

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Quest in English is an exciting themed game in the quest room for a team of several people (4-10 people). All communication between the participants takes place in English with maximum conversational practice. Click "I want to go" and sign up for the next quest

I Want To Go >>>


All Workshop Training News

What is a summer camp in the city?


Memory Workshops.


Grammer Workshops

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Topical issues

This is your first meeting with the methodologist of our school. It is carried out in order to determine your level of English, to demonstrate the educational materials by which we study English and, based on your goals and test results, to choose the most optimal training program for you.

How do I sign up for a trial lesson?

Where can I see the price list?

How do you pay?

What are the teachers at EnglisHouse?